Commander of Korem (Danrem) 063/ Sunan Gunung Jati Cirebon, Colonel Inf. Dany Rakca SAP received a visit from Rekind, on Wednesday (30/3), represented by Kadarriswan, Chief Community Development & Project Security for the EPC CDU Light Distillate Section Upgrading RDMP RU-VI Balongan Phase 1 Project.
In addition to building synergy, the meeting that day which happened to be witnessed directly by Lt. Col. Inf. Andik Siswanto, the Commander of the Majalengka Kodim (Dandim), was a gathering of friendship, because Colonel Inf. Danny Rakca SAP has just occupied his new post as Danrem 063/Sunan Gunung Jati Cirebon replacing Colonel Inf. Elkines Vilado K.
“For us, the strength of this synergy is very important, especially in creating a conducive situation for the projects carried out by Rekind. Thus, what we do can run as expected, on time, cost-effective and able to increase work safety rates,” said Faisal AR, Rekind Project Manager at the EPC CDU Light Distillate Section Upgrading Project RDMP RU VI Balongan Phase1 on a separate occasion.
In addition to doing their best work, continued Faisal, Rekind is also committed to continuing to actively contribute to regional development, especially the community in 10 villages in the Balongan sub-district, Indramayu, West Java, whose existence is very close to the project activities carried out by Rekind.
Colonel Inf. Danny Rakca SAP positively welcomed this commitment. He emphasized that his party will always provide maximum support so that project activities can run smoothly without any obstacles. “We as the state defense apparatus positively welcome this synergy. In essence, our task is to help carry out community development and maintain the conduciveness of vital state-owned objects, such as the CDU Light Distillate Section Upgrading Project RDMP RU-VI Balongan,” said Colonel Inf. Danny Rakca SAP.

Even so, Rekind continues to explore the various potentials that exist in the community. They are embraced and also given the opportunity to be able to contribute greatly to national strategic projects, which stand on their homeland. “Alhamdulillah, now those who used to be nothing are now able to carry out various jobs in the project environment as partners. There are even partners who are able to reach national scale jobs through the learning by doing process provided by Rekind through the scope of their duties in the RU – VI Balongan Phase 1 RDMP Upgrading CDU Project,” said Kadarriswan.
In addition to local workers, Rekind’s focus of attention is also based on empowering and fostering the potential of local millennials, such as in supporting the motorcycle repair business they have been involved in since 2016. Driven by young people who are members of the Karang Taruna organization, Balongan District in Sukaurip Village, Indramayu, West Java.
Rekind’s good relationship is said to be successful, because these young people are increasingly independent, confident and can open wider horizons to develop their skills through the learning process transmitted by Rekind.