“We really appreciate the performance shown by Rekind. In this one year the progress of the work carried out has reached 53 percent of the 47 percent target set, meaning there is a ahead of around 6 percent. In addition, in this project we can also achieve 200 thousand hours of work without accidents. This is also a very good achievement,” said Dede Darsono when giving a speech at the Joint Prayer and Donations for Orphans at Pertamina Balongan Environmental Refinery in the context of Installing Preflash Coloumn 11-C-106 CDU Upgrading Project RDMP RU VI Balongan Phase 1, Wednesday (24 /11).

This form of gratitude is appreciated through donations to orphans in a number of villages which are located closest to project activities. Followed by cutting the cone, reading Al Ma’surot dhikr and tausiyah.
This thanksgiving event was also carried out as part of the initial part of the Preflash Column 11-C-106 installation process in supporting Rekind’s activities in the EPC Light Distillate Section Upgrading work.