PT Rekayasa Industri (Rekind) together with PT Wijaya Karya (Persero) Tbk, PT Adhi Karya (Persero) Tbk, and PT Pembangunan Perumahan (Persero) Tbk, agreed to increase synergy. ‘Their aim’ is to implement strategic projects in the field of EPC in the country, especially for the industrial plants sector.

This collaboration is also expected to be an added value for all parties and ensure the implementation of the development of these strategic projects with good quality, efficiency and able to meet the right timeline. Cost, quality and time are important considerations. Even the President of the Republic of Indonesia in his directives always emphasizes the importance of BUMN as one of the drivers of increasing investment in Indonesia. One of the possible opportunities to increase investment is through the development of strategic projects.
“We hope that the implementation of these strategic projects will also encourage and accelerate economic development in Indonesia, especially anticipating the COVID-19 pandemic,” he added.
Pahala N. Mansury ensures that the principle of inter-company cooperation prioritizes the principles of GCG (Good Corporate Governance).
“The Ministry of SOEs guarantees that there will be no intervention or prioritizing one party over the other. Everything is based on an open, competitive and transparent process. This collaboration also refers to the work culture of AKHLAK as an effort to increase the value and competitiveness of BUMN works and Rekind,” he said.

“We hope that this collaboration can be realized and implemented properly so as to provide benefits for the parties involved,” said the President Director of PT Pupuk Indonesia Achmad Bakir Pasaman.
Moreover, according to him, Rekind is a leading company in Indonesia, which is reliable in the construction of industrial factories and has completed many strategic projects on a national scale, both in the fields of fertilizer, oil and gas, geothermal, and others. Of course, Rekind has a lot of experience, knowledge and competence that can be valuable capital. Can be managed together, to generate benefits, not only for Rekind but also for other parties.

“Apart from being a profit-oriented company, this step also plays an important role as the frontline in accelerating development, as well as serving the public in realizing the welfare of the Indonesian people,” added Alex Dharma Balen.