This strategic step was emphasized by Alex Dharma Balen, President Director of Rekind. The figure who has led Rekind since September 2020, understands the direction of the company’s journey, especially when facing the complex challenges of a pandemic era like present. The most vital strategic step and one of Alex Dharma Balen’s main concerns is to maintain the existence of work in all lines of projects that are currently being carried out by Rekind. This is because there are many national strategic projects whose work is entrusted to the EPC company, which was founded on August 12, 1981.
The strategy he emphasized was to maintain the health and safety of Rekind’s human resources (HR) from the Covid-19 pandemic, through preventing the spread of the virus and maintaining productivity. In addition, evaluating the impact of a pandemic on company business opportunities, by paying attention to market rationalization and business opportunities as well as updating market data during a pandemic. An equally important step is to evaluate the impact of a pandemic on each project that is running through risk mitigation and increased support. Alex Dharma Balen and other Directors also continue to closely evaluate the impact of the pandemic on the company’s work plan so that it can run optimally.

“We really appreciate the award given through Anugerah BUMN 2021. This indirectly contributes to the growth and achievement of company performance during the Covid-19 Pandemic through good corporate governance, highly competitive human resource management and maximizing the company’s real contribution to society,” said Alex Dharma Balen in his statement.
To achieve that, it is not easy, Alex Dharma Balen directs it through organizational transformation which is based on organizational improvement and focuses on EPC development strategies which are On Schedule, On Budget and On Quality. Through this Transformation, Rekind remains committed to engaging in the energy, chemical and mineral sectors, but with a wider contribution through technology development, investment and synergy in every project it undertakes.

Hopefully, through the strategy and transformation it has developed, Rekind will be able to realize itself to become an integrated world-class EPC company, because the fact is that at the national and global levels Rekind’s performance always gets the best recognition. Its contribution to increasing economic growth in Indonesia is also increasingly visible.