PT Rekayasa Industri (Rekind) won 2 awards from the event on Wednesday (03/03). The judging process, which has been carried out since January 2021, has produced results. For his role and contribution in the field of occupational safety and health (K3), Rekind received a 4 Stars (silver) award for the Implemented Safety Culture Program in the Organization and the President Director of PT Rekayasa Industri, Mr. Alex Dharma Balen, pinned the CEO Concern Award 2021.
This award is inseparable from a number of achievements under Mr. Alex’s leadership, including 20 million safe working hours on the Bojonegoro Jambaran Tiung Biru (JTB) Unitization Gas Field Development project until December 2020.
This achievement shows Rekind’s high commitment in implementing the Health, Safety, and Environment (HSE) Management System in working on national strategic projects, both at home office and project site scales and as a fulfillment of Rekind’s vision to become a world-class EPC company.
The fulfillment of the HSE Management System targets is reflected in Rekind’s success in achieving internal HSE Control targets, maintaining the Total Recordable Injury Rate, Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate, and Fatality Accident Rate on a determined scale.
As a service company engaged in the EPC sector, Rekind is aware that human resources are a valuable company asset that needs to be maintained, in accordance with the work professionalism and integrity of Rekind.