This time, the commemoration led by the Main Director of Rekind, Triyani Utaminingsih, with the SVP Corporate Secretary & Legal Ceremony Commander, Edy Sutrisman, was thick with the feel of a fiery spirit. Followed by officials and management, all Rekind employees, representatives of Rekind’s Subsidiaries (Anper), including high-ranking officials. Also present were all leaders and management of the Reka Sejahtera Cooperative and employees and directors of PT Mega Eltra.

“The momentum of the 94th Youth Pledge Day should be a motivation for all Rekindists, to increase their dedication to the company, especially in facing the various big challenges we are facing right now,” said Triyani Utaminingsih in her address at the 94th Youth Pledge Commemoration, at the Rekind Kalibata Home Office , Friday (28/10).
The woma who is known to be friendly and familiarly called Yani emphasized that Rekind had achieved many achievements. “This shows that in Rekindist are reflected individuals who are superior, with character, capacity and high competitiveness, through the best works we create,” he said.
One of the proofs, on September 20 2022, the Rekind Team at the Jambaran Tiung Biru Gas Processing Facility (GPF) Project, Bojonegoro,
East Java, entered the final stage of Gas on Stream (GoS).

Even in this National Strategic project, Rekind’s work is able to support JTB to become one of the largest gas producers in Indonesia. From the target of 172 MMSCFD set by the government, precisely through Rekind’s competence, JTB was able to generate gas sales of 192 MMSCFD.
Through the innovations developed by Rekind, there are additional benefits for the country of 20 MMSCFD. A little illustration, 1 MMSCFD is equivalent to approximately 25 thousand liters of fuel. So 20 MMSCFD is equivalent to 500 thousand liters of fuel. This is a form of Rekind’s contribution in increasing state revenue. “Bring Rekind with a burning passion and high fighting spirit, through our best competence in the
EPC field. Show, that together we can rise and remain the best in welcoming a brighter future for the company. Hopefully Allah SWT will always bestow His Grace and Ridho on all of us,” concluded Yani.