To the entire crew of the National EPC company in JTB, the Director of Rekind’s 1995-1997 business ’embedded’ a special message which essentially indicated that, even though it was still in a condition full of big and tough challenges, Rekind must be able to complete the JTB Project well. “And no less important, Rekind must still exist to ensure the independence of the nation in building the industry,” said Arifin Tasrif.
It is clear that this motivation is able to raise a high fighting spirit for all of Rekind’s best people, not only in the JTB project, but also in other projects that Rekind is currently working on. Moreover, Arifin Tasrif’s presence is not alone. The man who is known to be friendly is also accompanied by Pertamina President Director Nicke
Widyawati who is also a former Rekind Business Director in 2010-2013. Also present were Triharyo Indrawan, Special Staff of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources who also held the position of President Director of Rekind in 2004-2009.

It’s like a reunion in its own right. Moreover, at this special moment, the President Director of Rekind Triyani Utaminingsih, Director of Operations and Technology/Development of Rekind, Yusairi, SVP Corporate Secretray & Legal Rekind, Edy Sutrisman, SVP Project Management Rekind, Sudayat, Project Manager Rekind for the JTB Project, Budi Prianto and several other officials. “This meeting brings pride and provides its own motivation for Rekind to always be able to contribute positively to the independence of the nation and state in supporting the development of national industry,” added Edy Sutrisman.
Before seeing directly the production facilities at the Gas Processing Facilities (GPF), Arifin Tasrif and his entourage received explanations from PEPC management regarding gas-in preparation as well as several technical aspects related to the completion of the JTB project including the HSSE aspect which currently has reached 56 million hours of safety.

The success of the JTB Project gives a big signal that the big and tough challenges that are being faced by Rekind will not diminish its best role. Through an unyielding spirit and hard struggle, Rekind can answer firmly for all the problems he is facing.