BPKP Gives Positive Mark for Rekind Subsidiaries GCG Implementation

The Financial and Development Supervisory Agency (BPKP) positively evaluates the implementation of Good Corporate Governance (GCG), which has been carried out by Rekind Subsidiaries (Anper) since July 2019 until now.
“In general, Subsidiaries GCG Diagnostic Analysis (DA) results are quite good. The range of scores obtained illustrates that Rekind Subsidiaries has implemented GCG, although there is still a need for continuous improvement,” said Samono, Head of DKI Jakarta BPKP Representative to Rekind’s President Director Triyani Utaminingsih along with the Rekind Board of Directors, Subsididary Board of Commissioners, Subsidiary Directors, and Rekind’s GCG Manager and in Subsidiary, through the Exit Meeting Diagnostic Assessment event, Wednesday (6/10).
However, according to Triyani Utaminingsih, suggestions from BPKP for each Subsidiary regarding the elements of GCG that have not been fulfilled in accordance with the applicable rules can be followed up to the maximum again. Especially the scope that covers all aspects of supporting the implementation of GCG, namely Commitment, Shareholders, Board of Commissioners, Directors, Disclosure of Information and others.
It should be noted, to fulfill this implementation achievement, previously Rekind as the holding initiated Subsidiary through GCG socialization, GCG infrastructure development, provision of GCG understanding, socialization and implementation of WBS, as well as the implementation of Subsidiary’s Independent GCG Diagnostic Analysis (DA).
Subsidiary GCG DA by BPKP was carried out at four Subsidiaries, namely PT Tracon Industri (Tracon), PT Rekayasa Engineering (RE), PT Puspetindo, and PT Rekind Daya Mamuju (RDM). DA starts according to the BPKP Team’s Letter of Assignment, some in mid-June and some starting in early August.
Each Subsidiary has a BPKP team that conducts DA with the method of reviewing documents to Subsidiary’s GCG PIC, interviews with related parties (Shareholders, Directors, Board of Commissioners, document managers), and distributing questionnaires which lasts 35 working days. This activity ends in October 2021.
Rekind hopes for the implementation of GCG at it’s Subsidiaries to further prioritize GCG in corporate implementation, while for Rekind as a deeper learning as the supervisor of Governance in Subsidiaries to always provide support and input for sustainable development.