PT Rekayasa Industri (Rekind) through its Creating Shared Value (CSV) Program which empowers local workers, subcontractors and suppliers won 5 awards at once at the 3rd TJSL & CSR Award 2023.

The first award was dedicated to Triyani Utaminingsih, as the President Director of this EPC (Engineering, Procurement and Construction) company, who was asked to receive the Most Committed CEO of BUMN on TJSL award. This award was received by the woman who is familiarly called Yani, because of her full support through her basic ideas in developing and implementing TJSL programs within Rekind so that they are in accordance with the policy directions outlined by the government through the Ministry of BUMN.

Rekind received four other awards brilliantly through awards in the categories of Gold Winner on Social Pillar, Gold Winner on Economic Pillar, Gold Winner on Environmental Pillar and Gold Winner on Legal & Governance Pillar. These four pillars are Sustainable Development Goals.

“This award is a proud achievement, and at the same time we want to highlight Rekind’s commitment to supporting government programs through the 4 pillars of national development goals, namely social, economic, environmental, legal and governance development. “All of this is implemented in the implementation of the TJSL Rekind program, which creates special benefits not only for companies but also for the community and the environment through economic movements that are based on good governance,” explained Yani after being presented with the award at the Ballroom of Flores Hotel Borobudur – Jakarta, Thursday (10/ 8).

Yani was present accompanied by Edy Sutrisman – SVP Corporate Secretary & Legal along with Herman Susatyo VP Community Development (ComDev) & TJSL Rekind. He emphasized that the implementation of the TJSL Program in this 42-year-old company is based on technology development that is adapted to the needs of society, especially in efforts to improve economic competence and standard of living.

“TJSL Rekind is carried out in line with social and community development programs, especially in Rekind’s operational areas. “The aim is none other than an effort to improve welfare and boost the quality of life of the community,” stressed Yani.

Apart from the 4 pillars mentioned above, at the 3rd TJSL & CSR Award event, Rekind also emphasized the success of its activities in implementing them through Creating Shared Value (CSV), especially related to empowering local workers through the Jambaran-Tiung Biru National Strategic Project (PSN) (JTB).

These local workers are not only recruited, but also have their competence increased to occupy work positions as construction workers (rebar-man), carpenters (carpenters), bricklayers (masonry), checkers or controllers (safetyman), and technicians.

Through increasing competency, which is packaged in the CSV program, it has implications for improving the community’s economy, especially in terms of the Bojonegoro Regency minimum wage and the average income of local workers. “The company’s efforts to proactively empower local workers have succeeded in creating shared economic and social value. The advantage for Rekind in this activity is the creation of a secure and conducive social and environmental security situation around the project. “There were no demonstrations or demonstrations that disrupted project activities or community activities,” added Herman Susatyo.

On the other hand, according to Herman, through this project Rekind also empowers local subcontractors and suppliers. The aim is to increase knowledge about the pre-qualification process, tender process, bid calculation process and so on. Another advantage is that you can gain experience working on work packages and have the opportunity to take part in tenders on other projects/places. “Through this empowerment, local subcontractors and suppliers are created that are reliable and able to support project activities well, increasing the value of TKDN for the country and saving project work package costs. “Rekind’s work orientation always relies on a commitment to improving people’s living standards and moving the wheels of the national economy,” explained Herman again.