Rekind is trusted to win the 4 Star Award through an innovation made by Fandy Maulana Syah Rizal and Kris Nur Akbar who demonstrated about “Using AI (Artificial Intelligence) in Site Activities”. Another Rekind innovators, Muhammad Faisal, dr. Redi Gunawan and Dupi Parlaungan, who raised the theme “Prevention & Handling of COVID-19 in the Project (pilot site: PLTU Lombok Project),” are also believed to have won a 2 Star Award through a national event initiated by LPSDM YAPRIKA and Wahana Quality Control.

On the other hand, through this innovation it is believed to be able to cut the bureaucratic flow process and simplify and accelerate and streamline the costs required. In fact, digitization is emphasized to avoid bad impacts on its application, for example submitting false data or invalid documents.
“Therefore, the system developed by Rekind focuses on being able to bridge the acceleration of the achievement of K3 Culture for all employees in the company,” added VP HSE Rekind Hendi Hidayat.